Create your Life Plan and Kick Ass in 2021! – w/ John & Rich

Episode 17 • December 28, 2020

2020 is almost over! There is no better time to reflect on the past and plan for our future.
Our co-hosts, John and Rich, met 25 years ago in their first job out of college. Both were sponges for information and looking for direction on how they could accomplish their wildest goals and dreams in life. They took every opportunity to read recommended books, attend inspirational seminars, and as you will hear in this episode… even purchase Tony Robins Personal Power cassette tapes… yes cassette tapes (remember those)…

For the last episode of this “beyond ordinary” 2020 year, John and Rich dive deep into the extreme necessity of having a clear and specific life plan. They talk about how they have each managed these plans over the past 25 years and the different methodologies they are using today to ensure that they are ready to kick some ass in 2021 and beyond!

Happy New Year everybody – let’s make 2021 a great year!!

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